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Cara Fotofili - Aotearoa Artist - The New Zealand Artists Magazine

Cara Fotofili

cara-fotofili-aotearoa-artistLIFE BEGINS AT 60!

Cara Fotofili always wanted to be an artist. She recalles that art classes and drawing diagrams in science class were the only things that interested her at school. Hugely influenced by her father, also an artist, Cara became ‘distracted’ by life in general. When she turned 60, she decided it was her time now, she went to art school and studied for five years and has not looked back. 

The biggest motivating factor to becoming a professional artist at this time in her life is that the creative process gives her peace, and takes her away from the conditional, habitual expectation to conform. Finally she feels free. “I work quite instinctively – a bit like how you might doodle while talking on the phone. I don’t make plans, but can see that many things that interest me are manifest in my finished work.”

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Andy Morrison

Andy Morrison - Aotearoa Artist


The NZ Artist recently visited the Mangonui Waterfront Festival where we caught up with pointillist and carver Andrew (Andy) Morrison at ‘Exhibit A’ a co-operative gallery of which he is member.

Born in England Andrew (Andy) Morrison was recruited by the New Zealand Government in January 2005 as the Railway Engineering Manager in the central North Island and for the next few years. Art, which had always been a part of his life and something he really wanted to do, played second fiddle to his career. Things have changed.

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