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Carmen Owen - Aotearoa Artist

Carmen Owen

Carmen Owen - aotearoa artist

Recently graduating from The Learning Connexion (Wellington) and receiving her Diploma of Art and Creativity (with Honours) through distance study, Carmen Owen has otherwise taught herself since high school by trial and error. She has suffered from depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder since the sudden death of her partner in 1999 and the birth of her son two days later.

“I’ve always been known for my ability to draw since primary school. In 1994 after a relationship breakup and moving house I had hit a real low both financially and emotionally. It was suggested to me that, as I hadn’t created anything or exhibited anything for some time, I create some artwork and enter it in a local exhibition. With this in mind, I sat down at the kitchen table with my pastels and wondered what subject I could try. It was at that moment that my sweet collie came up to me and put her head on my lap and looked at me with reassurance. I then created a portrait of her, which won a commended artist award and from then on I had people asking me to do portraits of their own pets. This was the point where I realized I could be a professional artist and was no longer creating art for just my own personal enjoyment but making other people happy as well. Catch up with Carmen on FaceBook: Wild At HeART Creations.

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Birgitt Shannon - Aotearoa Artist

Birgitt Shannon

Birgitt Shannon - Aotearoa Artist

Birgitt Shannon has a lasting love of cooking, gardening, travelling and spending time with her husband and friends. More than that though, she is driven by her creative soul. Born in Geelong, Australia, she spent eleven years at the Geelong Fine Arts School – run by two artists.
She attended classes two nights a week during these eleven years, where she studied everything from art history to etching to life drawing. “We also had excursions to galleries in Melbourne and other towns twice a year and regular weekend workshops where we did things like sculpting and creating masks to wear at the end of year exhibition. I ended up attending for so long because the teachers kept coming up with such interesting things to create and I loved being with people who loved art as much as I did.”
Having drawn and painted since she was a young girl her dream was to be an artist. She exhibited a lot while she was at art school. However, as so often happens, family life and work began encroaching on her creative time until she stopped, for a long, dry thirteen years. She really believes that those thirteen years were the biggest mistake she made in her artistic career and is now totally focused on her artwork. “All of the years I wasn’t painting, there was an empty hole inside me and I couldn’t explain why. Now that I am painting full time I know it was the creative part of me that was unhappy.
See more about Birgitt here.

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Samantha Knightbridge - Aotearoa Artist

Samantha Knightbridge

Samantha Knightbridge - Aotearoa Artist

The freedom to express, the rush of amazement she gets when her hands manage to physically recreate a vision she had in her mind is the indescribable thing Samantha Knightbridge loves most about being an artist.

I have always held an interest in Art, however, it wasn’t until my daughter was born in late 2012 that I started to truly engage in creating art. While being a stay at home mum, I picked up a pencil and just started drawing, it was the only time I would use for myself – which every new mum would know is rare, but so important. In every aspect, everything changed when I became a mother as did my perspective and creative mind. When my baby was about one and a half, I started to show my work and had a surprising response. I loved drawing, and the feedback I received seemed like I wasn’t that bad at it either. After that growth of confidence, I decided to apply for University and I am currently in my final year studying a Bachelor of Design and Visual Art at Unitec Institute of Technology.

Most feel inspired when they look at something, see something inspiring to them. This happens to me too but rather than being inspired by what I see, I’m inspired mostly by how I feel. Most of my artistic concepts were results from what I was feeling or passionate about at the time I create them. Being self-expressive is what drives my creative soul. Whether it be feelings of curiosity, concern, heartbreak, my mixed cultural identity, my purpose and struggles as a woman and a mother – they all somehow end up relating to one another. Art is my therapy and my sanity, so it’s safe to say that my artistic inspiration is indeed – me.

I adore many artists throughout history, Da Vinci, Gustav Klimt, and most definitely Salvador Dalí. My favourite style/movement is Surrealism, such as Dalí and René Magritte. I admire their use of contrast, juxtaposition and simply taking subjects out of context - it provokes the mind. In my opinion, any artwork that makes the viewer look twice and question it - is a masterpiece. Some of these artists, like Dalí also use a lot of subtle symbology, which I’m obsessed with.

See more about Samantha here:

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Lesley Alexander - Aotearoa Artist

Lesley Alexander

Lesley Alexander - Aotearoa Artist

Lesley Alexander fondly remembers receiving a book from her Aunt Betty for her 9th birthday titled ‘How to draw flowers’. She poured over the pencil drawings and thoroughly enjoyed following the step-by-step instructions. This is probably the spark that started her on her very creative journey.

"I have always loved ‘creating’, whether it be knitting, card or jewellery making, mosaic or painting but it was the chance visit to an exhibition of botanical art back in the 90s in London that set me on the path to where I am today.

In 1987, after deciding nursing wasn’t for me, I took an Art Foundation Course at Chelsea School of Art, London, and followed that with a First Class Honours BA in Graphics (Scientific Illustration) from Middlesex University in the UK. I began a career as a freelance medical illustrator but I soon became disillusioned when computer generated illustration started to take over scientific illustration. My watercolour skills were becoming obsolete in the medical field. My first foray into botanical art was when the editor of the UK Clematis Society asked me to paint a Clematis of my choice for the cover of their journal and write an article describing the process. This happened in the middle of our UK winter, and with great excitement I naively went to buy a Clematis from the local garden centre. Of course they were just bare twigs, having been pruned weeks before. I bought one anyway and somehow I managed to nurse and sweet talk this poor ‘Nelly Moser’ specimen into thinking it was spring. It eventually obliged by producing a few leaves and eventually a flower! They titled the article ‘The Illustrator’s Challenge’ - rather an understatement I thought. However, I was asked to paint another one so I must have done something right".

See Lesley's work here: Lesley Alexander - Artist.

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Gillian Receveur

gillian-receveur-aotearoa-artistTHE FASCINATION LIES IN THE DETAIL

Gillian Receveur has always loved art. She studied it in school and at teachers college but it wasn’t until she retired from teaching that she could truly commit to her passion of art. A keen interest and love of plants and gardens led her to botanical painting. Gillian explains:

Plants fascinate me, they inspire me by their form, habits, colour and composition. I enjoy looking at plants, the fine details. I love observation and getting completely absorbed in the piece I am working on. Something I have always wanted to do is to paint one plant through all the four seasons as well as do a series of plants of one particular species. 

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Tessa Ralston

tessa-ralston-aotearoa-artistINSPIRED ILLUSTRATION

I’ve come to find that art seems to always niggle it’s way back into my life, even, perhaps, when I’m trying to distance myself from it. I have no true recollection of ‘getting into art’, but like most children inherently are, I was drawn to painting and visual expression.

With my mother being a graphic designer, I was fortunate enough that she fostered my artistic energy and patiently encouraged my creativity – and amusingly, she simultaneously firmly discouraged my entering the graphic design world. I believe there is a subtle divergence that happens when artists are ‘made’, and that is when they keep drawing, painting and playing after they are no longer children.

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Rochelle Boult - Aotearoa Artist

Rochelle Boult


Watching unlimited possibilities unfold onto paper, Rochelle Boult’s free spirit finds itself at the tip of a sharpened pencil. Finding peace and relaxation within her mark making, she builds her line and tone gently, observing her drawing as it gradually grows in depth and detail using shading and clever use of the different softnesses of her medium.

Rochelle creates works with Faber-Castell thick Graphite on Bockingford Drawing paper. Starting with an HB which she uses to sketch the outline, she then moves through from a 2B for shading to a 6B and an 8B for final depth. Rochelle also does some printmaking including etching and woodcuts, which she has successfully sold in a Marlborough exhibition.

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Terry Fergusson

Terry Fergusson - Aotearoa Artist


From a young age Terry Fergusson would sketch portraits and received an Art award at school. Then with everyday life and becoming a solo Dad he just never had time to pursue it further. Now, as an empty nester, he has felt the urge to pick up the brush and concentrate on painting people, their faces, their emotions. Terry tells us about his passion.

The results of picking up the brush again have been inspiring and well accepted. My passion has evolved beyond what I ever could have imagined. Creating a legacy of work that I can leave behind that speaks my name and my brand, along with the subject and the emotion shown was all inspiring to me. I want people to see what I see, remember what I remember and enjoy it long after I’m not here to paint anymore. Looks, emotions, stories and faces inspire me, and the ability to capture them through a mix of photography and acrylic excites me every time I start or have the idea to start a new piece. 

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Kristin Ivill

Kristin Ivill


Written and photographed by John Botton.

I first met Kristin Ivill when she breezed into my studio clutching a portfolio folder full of artworks she wanted to get copied and printed. While pouring over her work, it took me some time to realise that the exquisite images were made of thousands of dots, dots of all shapes, dots of all sizes, dots of all hues. My only point of reference was to imagine that the dots were like pixels in a photograph. I went along to Kristin’s studio to see if she was indeed going dotty.

JB: “Give me a little background to your beginnings in art and your training?”

“I’ve always loved art. My mother was arty and my grandmother was quite crafty. She spun wool. She dyed wool and wove fabrics. My grandmother would take me around the farm and we’d go hunting for birds and bugs and look at the trees and she would tell me all about the native fauna and flora. So that’s where my love of birds and nature stems from. I did art at school until year eleven when my art teacher told me to give it up. She said I had no talent. So I stopped doing it and focused on art history in year twelve which I loved. That’s where I was exposed to Seurat who did pointillism. But that was the end of that so I left art and got married and had children. When my daughter was born I did a bit of painting again because we needed some art to fill the walls. I got some canvases and paint and just started painting and it went from there.”

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Angela Mole

Angela Mole - Aotearoa Artist

I was destined to become an artist - having drawn, painted, sewn and crafted constantly throughout my growing years. After gaining a History and English degree I became a primary school teacher, encouraging the children in artistic expression at every opportunity and displaying their art in every available space. I was commended for the ambience but warned that too many ‘hangings’ could pose a fire risk! Later I co-ordinated the installation of large permanent outdoor murals which met with approval. On retiring from teaching, once my family had grown, I was at last free to follow my own artistic journey.

I am largely self-taught but value the grounding and increased confidence attained by completing a diploma in painting in 2011. These days I feel compelled to create positive vibrant images. My brief as an artist is to “Focus on the beauty which is abundant in this world and thereby know peace” (Philippians 4:8-10, from the Holy Bible). One part of my inspiration is what I see as beauty, most often the smallest organic forms in nature - seeds, shells, eggs, petals and leaves, small beginnings from which greater things evolve. Equally important, is how I feel. I paint from the heart and am translating thoughts, words, poems and dreams into painted expression. I have an overwhelming desire to inject colour, truth and beauty into our environment, trying to counter the negative, dark influences pervading society. It’s about spreading a little happiness. Japanese style (the combination of minimalism and fine detail present in paper and silk design) influences my painting as do the swirling curves and clean lines from the Art Nouveau era.

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