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Bernd Huss - Aotearoa Artist

Bernd Huss


For someone who has not had any formal training and who only started taking his craft seriously two years ago, Bernd Huss has attained an extremely high standard and received numerous accolades for his work.

As long as he can remember Bernd has enjoyed drawing. At first he restricted himself to copying photographs of people from magazines always trying to capture as much detail as possible.

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Karen Neal

Karen Neal Aotearoa Artist


Karen Neal is a self-taught artist who, on leaving school, intended studying a fine arts or graphics course, but instead opted to work in the newspaper industry. She spent three years travelling to countries such as Africa, Japan, Switzerland and the UK, returning to New Zealand to work in a variety of administration and graphics roles.

It was in 2009, in her early 40’s, when Karen was stressing over a leaky home, that she picked up a pencil and drew a giraffe. A stress relief perhaps, but one that began a four year evolution, and now she is a full time artist. “I love all aspects of being an artist, it’s a dream come true to finally take it up full-time. I still pinch myself. I knew this was my passion, I finally found my niche, although it took a while to have the confidence to put myself out there and call myself an artist.”

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