Born in England, Ingrid Boot studied at Westminster University, London and went on to complete a degree in Illustration at De Montfort University, Leicester. This provided a wider insight into different art disciplines and gave her first taste of life drawing; “it was brilliant and encouraged me to find my own style”.
Ingrid is is inspired by photographers rather than other painters. “I remember many years ago visiting an advertising agency in London and seeing a stunning old black and white print of a beautiful woman standing between two elephants and the image absolutely blew me away. When I was researching for a show a few years ago I recalled this photo by Richard Avedon (AMAZING fashion photographer) of ‘Dovima with Elephants’ which was taken for Harper’s Bazaar in 1955 featuring a Dior dress designed by Yves St Laurent. I love how the model’s pose created a flow and movement with the elephants and that a stunning woman, in a beautiful gown, was standing amongst these giants. It’s unnatural and yet sublime. “I love to research my subject matter as this can lead to new inspirations.” Ingrid has a large selection of Vogue fashion books – from 20th century fashion to a history of Vogue covers, which she frequently pours over to get inspired. “All sorts of things can get me very excited and inspired from pages in a magazine, billboards, my Instagram feed or just things I see in everyday life.”
Visit Ingrid's website: Ingrid Boot Artist.