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Michelle Wright
Michelle Wright

If you’re ever exploring the beauty of Northland and you hear opera music blaring across the countryside, you will have stumbled on artist Michelle Wright at work. Acrylics at the ready, the strains of each melody wind their way around her easel and aid in creating her next piece.

“There is nothing more I love than blasting my favourite opera songs from ‘Il Volo’ to my absolute favourite ‘Andrea Bocelli’, much to the enjoyment of my neighbours!” In short, it works. Michelle spends a lot of time outdoors and a lot of this inspires her work. Although it wasn’t always the case. As with many, painting proved to be a healer in many ways. “I have always been inspired by New Zealand scenery, the native bush, native birds and coastline. Growing up in Otaki and Kapiti Coast was always inspirational, even on a wet day! “Let’s just say like many others, my path in life has not always been smooth sailing. From health scares to, let’s be honest, some rock bottom moments. It’s been a struggle. With support from family around me I’ve managed to pull myself through with my art as a great distraction. “Now each day I enjoy multiple walks along the beach where I live, talking to and photographing the local bird life. My preferred subject would be the New Zealand coast and landscapes. I am drawn to the different times of day, the different light, the clouds, the reflections, dawn and dusk.” She also enjoys painting from photographs and has a myriad of them for this very purpose. “I usually always have my idea of what I would like to paint; I always refer to my huge library of photos that I have taken myself over the years, as well as ones sent from family and friends.”

If you would like to get in touch with Michelle, please email her here: Michelle Wright

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