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Rachel Walker - Aotearoa Artist
Rachel Walker

Rachel Walker  - Aotearoa Artist

With a Bachelor of Design, majoring in Illustration, from Massey University in Wellington, Rachel Walker says she probably chose the arts to annoy her parents in true teenage style. But the joke is on her, because she has evolved into an extremely talented artist who is paying the rent with her work.
“I started my degree thinking I wanted to be a graphic designer, then changed to textile designer. Slowly my tutors and I found that I was most skilled and excited when it came to the hand-drawn arty projects. So I ended up majoring in illustration, and after I finished university I was invited to display at a gallery, and things just kept moving in that direction.”
Rachel always keeps a notebook with her along with a camera to capture those moments of inspiration, which just pop up out of nowhere. Quite often these moments belong in the natural world, driven by that floaty, effortless beauty. She is saddened by the habitat loss and extinction of so many animal species.
Motivated by the likes of English painter, Lorna Holdcroft and Australian watercolourist, John Lovett, Rachel has always been a huge fan of Ralph Steadman’s loose, crazy style. “I like looking back over my work and seeing the style change and improve. It’s nice to feel like I’ve added some small amount of beauty to the world and hearing how happy people are with a piece of mine in their living room. I also like staying out late and not setting my alarm if I choose! Artists seem to be able to get away with things.”
Rachel is driven to improving her work, so much so that she keeps moving her goal posts. She finds her biggest obstacle is doubting herself and whether her work is good enough for exhibition. “Sometimes I think a painting is a complete failure, but if I put it away for a few weeks then drag it out again with fresh eyes, it can be fixed. Or at the very least chopped up and made into Christmas cards.”

See more about Rachel here.

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