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Loretta Arthur - Aotearoa Artist
Loretta Arthur

Having studied at Whitecliffs School of Art – Diploma in landscape, Summer Schools at University – Diploma in figurative design and ATI Certificate for adult education, Loretta Arthur is still going strong.

She cannot remember when she didn’t draw or paint, however in the 1950s, there was no money to be had and she was encouraged to pursue secretarial and accounting work. Although there was no special training in art at St Mary’s College Christchurch, the school she attended, she always managed to receive the art prize.

Loretta became involved in theatre and created many sets for production as well as acting and directing, “Art was always there, sketching on the boat at Christmas, observing figures and the like. When my four children were at secondary school, I decided to become serious about my art.”

Finding immense inspiration from black and white studies, photos and sketches, enjoying the atmosphere created, she kept herself busy sketching and taking her own photos. Loretta maintains she sees potential paintings everywhere around her, in everyday life and all occasions, with her preferred subjects being people in various situations, at the beach or in cafés and historic or old buildings. Her current projects include trying different styles and doing research on various mediums. She is currently enjoying experimenting with Biro and is looking for more inspiration for acrylic work.

The artists who have provided the most inspiration for Loretta are Monet, John Turner and her art tutor, John Horner at Whitecliffs School of Art. “I love impressionist art and using the alla-prima technique, the freedom of just painting on a blank canvas with no preparation; sometimes it doesn’t work, most of the time it does. I find this very therapeutic and suggest all artists do this at least once a year, especially after a big commission. There is a lot to be gained from the peace and solitude of creating something on a blank canvas and calling it your own.” Contact Loretta on NZ (0064) (0)21 941 767.

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