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Andrew Carter


Oil pastel artist Andrew Carter learned he was colour blind at the age of nine when he argued with his teacher over his choice of selecting yellow instead of green for the grass and red for the bark on the trees in a school painting.

It certainly didn’t put him off painting and drawing and why should it have? Some famous artists such as Constable, Picasso and van Gogh are thought to have been colour blind and they did well. It is, after all, a simple matter of perception, not skill or technique.

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Alan Williams


There has always been something indefinable about motorcycling and motorbikes. Perhaps it is the independent nature of man and machine that sets them apart from the general populace or because bikes and bikers have long been associated with outlaws and gangs - the ‘one percenters’. Life-long biker Whangarei-based Alan Williams is a ‘one percenter’ but he is not an outlaw, he just thinks differently to most folks.

Alan doesn’t go out of his way to break the rules he just does it as a matter of course. That’s the way he is. A fabrication engineer by profession and a full-blooded biker at heart Alan has another side to his character – he is an avid watercolourist. No one taught Alan how to paint; he just picked up a brush and did it. No doubt his technical and engineering grounding guided his hand and enabled his approach but then, with his chosen subject being motorcycles, this was, quite fortunate.

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Trout Lake Taupo-aotearoa-artist-michael-angelo-bourke

Michael Angelo Burke

aotearoa-artist-michael-angelo-bourkeHERITAGE ART

A carver and painter of murals and pictures, portraying an individual style unique in New Zealand, Michael Angelo Burke’s inspiration comes from the spiritual aspects of nature.

The themes of his work reflect a childhood spent playing among native trees, observing wildlife in the Coromandel native bush and extensive travel to National Parks of the world, including USA, Canada, Alaska, Australia and UK.
“I express this inspiration by combining the disciplines of drawing, carving and painting. I don’t plan my artworks - they just flow from my life experiences.” Michael Angelo says.

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