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Sandra Whyte Aotearoa Artist
Sandra Whyte


sandra-whyte-aotearoa-artistCAPTURING MEMORIES OF LIFE

After a few life-changing events, Sandra Whyte found time on her hands and decided to try her hand at painting. She took some night classes, and discovered she had a real talent and eye for detail. In a short space of time she began selling her artwork and completing commissions. The allure of being an artist full time led her to resign from her position as a bank officer, which she had held for 28 years. She feels this is the best decision she has ever made.

Sandra has found that being largely self-taught can raise issues in the budding artists career. “Having a ‘name’ seems to take precedence above quality in the art world. This seems to become more of an issue as my career develops. I am breaking through this barrier now, thanks to opportunities created by select clients and galleries having a belief in my abilities. I have had to hang on to small achievements and push sceptics aside.”

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