Having always had an artistic streak, I spent so much of my childhood onwards making or designing all manner of crafts. I entered the NZ Smokefree Fashion Awards and became a finalist not long after arriving back from Europe. Afterwards I produced my own brand of clothing from home for a time but found I was developing an interest in painting. I said to my husband that I might start painting when the three children leave home; he suggested that might be some time given our youngest was one year old and maybe I should start now and see what I think!
In 2004, I turned my tiny kitchen into a painting area where I was subsequently to be found for most of the day, every day. My first work was on canvas and a copy of ‘Virgin and Child’ by Jean Fouquet, 1480. I was besotted with the image, which came from an art history book I was reading at the time. This was one of only two canvas works, with all my other work being on board. In 2005, I produced a series of works based on Roman-Greek structures, followed by a series of erotica and surrealism. More recently I have focused on early New Zealand history. I am and have always been a very creative, artistic person. I haven’t looked at it as a career as such; I’m being who I am, doing what I love and painting what I want to paint. I am fortunate that my husband has encouraged me to paint full time and live my passion.
Rhonye McIlroy