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Katie Mines - Aotearoa Artist
Katie Mines

Katie Mines - Aotearoa Artist


An intense academic by nature, and artist in heart and soul, Katie Mines spent much of her life studying for a series of degrees and teaching at university before engaging her childhood dream of being full-time professional artist in her own right, and on her own terms.

Prior to 2012, Katie spent 10 years travelling through Asia, Africa and America and seven years teaching at a Confucian University in Seoul, South Korea. She returned to Hawkes Bay at the end of 2012, to raise her daughter and try her hand at painting, which remained a life long dream, “I always knew that art would become a big part of my life, I just wasn’t sure in what capacity until I started painting full time,” she reflects. After years of travelling, Katie was ready for what Hawkes Bay has to offer, “the space to slow life down, have a garden, bring up my daughter, and paint.”

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