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Ian Given

Ian Given - aotearoa artist


In 2010, after being in business for 30 years, manufacturing aluminium windows and supplying hardware, both retail and wholesale, Ian Given - a keen photographer - decided to begin painting. He signed up for lessons with Sue Dent, a recognised Tauranga artist, and has never looked back.

Spending many years looking at and enjoying other artists work, Ian always had a niggle in the back of his mind that he could paint like that if he tried. Some of the most influential artists in Ian’s artistic career include Tim Wilson for his attention to detail and the way he portrays mist and clouds, John Crump for his ability to paint plein-air on large canvases and the depth he manages to portray in his paintings and Richard Robinson for his loose brush work, the ability to control his colours and his talent with adjusting scenes to ease and balance up his composition. Preferring landscapes, seascapes, boats and architecture as his subject matter, Ian also takes commissions. Currently he is doing a commissioned painting of the Pungapunga estuary at the northern end of Whangapoua Beach. He is also working on a group of scenes of the coastal areas around the Coromandel. Both of these areas are firmly in Ian’s favourite list. 

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