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Ninette Kruger

Ninette Kruger-aotearoa-artist-the-nz-artist-magazine


Born in South Africa, Ninette Kruger has always enjoyed being creative and explored different mediums until she discovered pewter embossing in 2004.

She taught herself the basics from an instructional book, and later attended a more advanced  techniques workshop at a pewter studio  in Johannesburg. Since then , she has been focused on refining her technique and thoroughly enjoying metal embossing as a hobby. “I started out with a career in the food and hotel industry, which I absolutely loved, and completed my MBA in 2006. I quickly realised the corporate world was not for me, and set out to carve out a creative career for myself. I immigrated to New Zealand with my family in 2016 and during lockdown 2020, I attended an online artist masterclass that changed my world.”

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The Foundry- Jonathan-Campbell-aotearoa-artist

Jonathan Campbell’s Foundry


Jonathan Campbell has had sketch books since he was a youngster, constantly sketching compositions and ideas, generally ending up in one theme that leads to another. When he starts to make sculptures, he experiences further changes. “I don’t over-think, once I start doing a piece of work, it seems to take off.”

Having studied at the Foundation of Fine Arts in Whitirea, Jonathan had just picked up his skills when a French wool buying company approached him to produce about 200 castings, to celebrate their centenary. “They had seen my work in a group show and had tracked me down. It was complete luck and it enabled me to set up with decent equipment right away.”

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Adam Styles - Aotearoa Artist

Adam Styles

Adam Styles - Aotearoa Artist


Inspired by dreams and images from another time and place and forged with fire and passion, the steel warriors, dragons and other mythological beings that emerge from the Nelson-based workshop of Adam Styles are real and definable but their earthly shell has been removed to reveal a core of what is normally hidden, the unseen.

Adam’s work has taken on a life of its own. It is more than simply ethereal, it is otherworldly. His fish swim in from somewhere we haven’t seen, a parallel dimension perhaps. Steel warriors stand vigilant, swords readied, steel angels look on, observing. Of course it is all fantasy such creatures simply don’t exist, not on this earth at any rate, do they?

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