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Mark Adams - Aotearoa Artist
Mark Adams

Mark Adams - aotearoa artist

Mark Adams is a painter of beautiful scenes of wide, sweeping landscapes and pristine locations hidden within the landscape of New Zealand. He shares with us his journey through harder years, as well as the defining influences that have lead him to his current passion.

A chance encounter with a friend started Mark on his journey towards a sucessful future as an accomplished artist. “One day a friend of mine came over and told me to come outside to check something out. So I went out to the front drive to see he’d airbrushed a picture of DC Comicbook villian The Joker on the bonnet of his car. Until then I hadn’t even considered painting on anything other than paper or canvas.
“I decided I’d like to learn how to use an airbrush so down to the book shop I went. It wasn’t long before I was doing the odd painting for all sorts of people; from truck murals to shop walls - this artistic outlet gave me a feeling of pride to know that I could do something most people believed they couldn’t. The encouragement It gave me more confidence and determination to do better with my art.
“Since then I have moved onto painting on canvas. New Zealand landscape is my greatest inspiration and topic – plus living so close to the mountains (near Oxford) does the soul good. I aim to portray and master the amazing landscape so people feel like they are standing in the scene.”
Mark Adams

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