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Kay Goldfinch - Aotearoa Artist
Kay Goldfinch

Kay Goldfinch - Aotearoa Artist

Over the years, Kay Goldfinch has attended workshops and classes at Inverlochy Art School in Wellington, Wellington High School night classes, Monash University in Melbourne, Boon’s Pottery in Singapore and life drawing workshops in Toronto. In 2008 she was invited to be a part of a ceramic exhibition in Zongshan, China, Hong Kong and Singapore, and was awarded a Certificate of Honour. A solo watercolour exhibition in Singapore also provided a great learning experience. Her work has ended up in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Germany, France, Singapore, Hong Kong, America and Canada.
“I have drawn and painted most of my life and after selling my hairdressing business and starting a family I had the opportunity and time to develop my art and ceramic interests. Creativity has always been a big part of my life, so I guess this all came very naturally. For me the biggest inspiration for my work has been travel and the opportunity to live and work in other countries. The inspiration is endless, whether it’s the people, the colours, the culture or the different architecture etc. It seems to supply a passion for my creativity. I admire artists like Matisse, Van Gogh and Gauguin etc, and they have inspired me because of their use of colour and texture – they were not afraid to experiment. They seemed to paint the way that they wanted to even though this resulted in rejection by the art establishment. I think as an artist you see the world in a different light. To have an idea and then follow through with creating something special is very rewarding. And seeing people respond to your work, especially if it is in a positive way, is magic!
Kay Goldfinch

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