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Jane Riley - Aotearoa Artist
Jane Riley

Jane Riley - Aotearoa Artist

Watching her mum creating her artworks, thinking she was performing magic and inheriting her father’s exceptional design skills as a builder, it’s not surprising that Jane Riley has ended up as a talented, inventive artist in her own right.

Inspired by the seen (she constantly takes photographs) and the unseen (spiritual) world, combined with her well of emotions, the result is vibrant, moving artwork that resonates deeply. Jane is also inspired with the Renaissance Period, enjoying the vast techniques mixed with the spiritual icons. “I couldn’t wait to travel to Europe and explore all that art history that I had only previously absorbed in books.” Jane constantly challenges herself to better herself, finding that once she mastered the techniques she could stray from them and evolve, inventing other ways to express visual communication. “I get excited by textures, new mediums and fresh ideas. Some of my biggest mistakes have been my biggest breakthroughs. I am very experimental, take lots of risks and apply a variety of the learned techniques to my varied repertoire of self taught ideas and mistakes. I hope to inspire people and enhance their visual beauty of living.” She strives to live the ‘Life of Riley’ that was born to her and become a full time artist, focusing and surviving off her art alone. This is a wonderful scenario and she has had periods in her life when she has found a way to do exactly that. However at other times she juggles her creative streak with part-time employment to pay the bills. She does battle with this though and finds being away from her studio robs and depletes her creative juices. To achieve her goal, Jane wants to ensure steady growth with sales and promotion and wants to achieve more international connections.
See Jane’s website HERE.

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