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Hannah Shand
Hannah Shand

If ornithology is the study of birds, it’s a difficult task to describe the sketches of Hannah Shand, as she takes the studying of these magnificent winged creatures one step further, by putting pen to paper and recreating them. On looking deeper, it’s apparent Hannah takes things to another level with her beautiful bird artwork.
The story of why and how for Hannah is one that doesn’t take a traditional path. As much as study was a part of her life at one point it wasn’t art, but another area of education entirely – fashion. “I studied at Massey University in Wellington, completing a four-year Bachelor of Design, majoring in fashion. I was working in the fashion industry and was drawing in my evenings, weekends, and even on the hour-long train ride to and from work. My social media accounts for my art were growing, and with encouragement from my partner I started making prints and originals available. Social media has been an incredible way to promote and share my art, and having that audience enabled me to take the leap to being a full-time artist nearly two years ago.” And take the leap she did, taking the chance to combine her love of birds and sketching. “I love meeting birds, being out in nature and taking photos. It’s always really exciting to go to a new predator-free island or sanctuary and see a new bird for the first time, doing what I love every day! Helping conservation groups is very rewarding, and I enjoy sharing the things I love with those who are also passionate about birds and art.” Her current project played right into her hands, taking the opportunity to be a part of an upcoming exhibition with other like-minded artists in an exhibition. Birds of a feather, perhaps?

See more about Hannah here.

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