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Andrea Robinson - Aotearoa Artist
Andrea Robinson

Andrea Robinson - aotearoa artist

Andrea Robinson cannot remember ever not being an artist. She has always drawn and painted from a very young age. “My mother said that as a toddler she would leave me in the high chair for hours with a crayon and a piece of paper. She knew she had an artist in the family when I was left alone in the kitchen at age two and I had artistically rendered the cupboards in jam.” She moved on to drawing on the wallpaper until she was given a sketch pad and felt pens.

Andrea works mainly with oil on canvas. She also enjoys creating artwork with watercolour ink on plates, and whenever she gets a chance, she will use a press. “Printmaking is very therapeutic and keeps me fresh. I love the surprise element of forms changing and colours bleeding into one another when rolled through a press onto thick Incisioni paper.” Brushes are her favourite tools. They are expensive to purchase so she looks after them well and finds it hard to part with any of them until such time as the bristles are completely worn down. “I love the feeling of a good brush that holds the paint well - and good brushes last a long time.” Andrea’s work has been displayed at the Millwood Gallery, Expressions Whirinaki Gallery, Kapiti Law Gallery, Southwards Car Museum, Shona McFarlane Atrium, Saatchi Online Gallery, Alfred’s gallery in Petone, Ocean Artists Gallery in Los Angeles, and at the Odlin and Huia Galleries. She has work in Canada, Australia, London, the United States and New Zealand.
See Andrea's website here: Andrea Robinson

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