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Marie Reid-Beadle

Marie Reid-Beadle - Aotearoa Artist


Self-taught, art has always been a passion for Marie Reid-Beadle. She spent a lot of time doodling and sketching in her teen years. Some 10 years later, after her first child was born, she decided to purchase some quality paints and a quality canvas and entered a painting in an open exhibition at the Otago Art Society. The painting sold - not to her great aunt or an empathetic friend, but to a total stranger. She was on a high all week!

My creative soul is driven by the world around me. I am so grateful and blessed to now live in the beautiful Catlins. I often just drive around looking for a photo opportunity. Seeing maybe a heron, kingfishers, cows and wildlife that give me ideas for my next painting. My balancing act painting called ‘The Steward Island Party’ was based on being in Stewart Island for a 50th birthday and the birds that we encountered.

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