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Carmen Owen - Aotearoa Artist
Carmen Owen

Carmen Owen - aotearoa artist

Recently graduating from The Learning Connexion (Wellington) and receiving her Diploma of Art and Creativity (with Honours) through distance study, Carmen Owen has otherwise taught herself since high school by trial and error. She has suffered from depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder since the sudden death of her partner in 1999 and the birth of her son two days later.

“I’ve always been known for my ability to draw since primary school. In 1994 after a relationship breakup and moving house I had hit a real low both financially and emotionally. It was suggested to me that, as I hadn’t created anything or exhibited anything for some time, I create some artwork and enter it in a local exhibition. With this in mind, I sat down at the kitchen table with my pastels and wondered what subject I could try. It was at that moment that my sweet collie came up to me and put her head on my lap and looked at me with reassurance. I then created a portrait of her, which won a commended artist award and from then on I had people asking me to do portraits of their own pets. This was the point where I realized I could be a professional artist and was no longer creating art for just my own personal enjoyment but making other people happy as well. Catch up with Carmen on FaceBook: Wild At HeART Creations.

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